Sunday, March 1, 2015

Tips and thoughts from PAWA bloggers

update: added Paula's excellent blog

Jolyn Well-Moran messaged me on Facebook, suggesting that I share some of the content that other PAWA painters have posted in their blogs. I thought that was a terrific idea, since many of our members also are also bloggers, and have excellent advice. So I'm rounding up some blog post I've read from our fine PAWA artists that are thought provoking and educational.
Hope this was a useful collection of links. I've only included stuff here from people's blogs that I know about. If you are a member of Plein Air Washington Artists, and you have a blog, please contact me; if people like this, I could post more like it in the future. Though perhaps only occasionally--this was harder to write than I thought!


  1. Good job, Roy. Thanks for doing this!

  2. Terrific post, Roy! I really enjoyed checking out these posts on everyone's blogs. Great ideas.
