Jane at work - Photo by Rose Berg |
Ditte brought a pop of color to the landscape
Photo by Rose Berg |
Yes, that's right, it's spring and we're kicking off plein air season! Thanks to Rose Berg for all the photos. Kathryn Townsend led out first paintout of the year at the Nisqually National Wildlife Area, and she shared some photos and a few words about the day. Here she is:
"Thank you to all who came out to the Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually National Wildlife Area for the first paint-out of 2018! At least 15 people came. It was cold, but partly sunny with no rain or snow. The cumulonimbus were brilliant white on the horizon over Puget Sound while the fast moving stratus clouds overhead created windows of turquoise sky.
The Nisqually, as always, is the convergence of land and sky and water, of marsh, trees, tides, ducks, Bald Eagles, Great Blue Heron, geese and many people with binoculars and and small children. I was surprised that the parking lot was full at 9 am, so popular is the Nisqually Reach, which is designated a shoreline of statewide significance. When we consider that the Nisqually River, coming from the top of the Nisqually Glacier on Mt. Rainier at 14,350 feet, runs only 80 miles to empty into Puget Sound at sea level, we understand something of the mystery of the Pacific Northwest.
Kathryn and Mary enjoying artist company
Photo by Rose Berg |
Obadinah capturing the atmosphere
Photo by Rose Berg |
The best part of a Plein Air Washington paint-out is the camaraderie of like-minded people--those of us obsessed with actually seeing what is in front of our eyes and attempting to create a pattern of these lights and darks and colors on a piece of canvas or a bit of board, as curious as that may be to passers-by.
Terry painting the wetland
Photo by Rose Berg |
Gwyn enjoying the scenery
Photo by Rose Berg |
Who else is compelled to look at a winter tree or a stream reflecting sky or an old barn for two hours, seeing every nuance of color and shadow and distance. The children, especially, are fascinated with our paintings and when I ask, "do you like to paint," each one nods her head with big eyes. It makes me smile for the future.”
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