Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Summer Fun

Well, it's summer in the Pacific Northwest, and it's difficult to make myself sit still indoors and do a blog post. But here's a recap of our summer activities so far:

First, a big thank you to our paint out faciliators! Larry Walden faciliated a paintout in Seabrook in the Olympic Peninsula. Blanche Niznik facilitated a fun paintout at Bastyr University. Plus Paula Ensign and Kathryn Townsend facilitated the big trip to Jasper National Park. I only got to paint in the Bastyr University paint out, but the pictures posted in our facebook group have been pretty amazing.

Aside from the official paint outs, our various members have been out and about painting by themselves or with groups as well. Our artist members were everywhere from Mt. Baker to Mt. Hood, to the Olympic Peninsula, or just to the local park. Come paint with us! Our Eventbrite page has the upcoming paint outs.

Finally, I should note that our prospectus for the upcoming art show and competition is up.  This year's theme is Meadows to Mountains, and will be juried by Michael Situ. The deadline is September 15, which if you think about it is coming up really quickly. Here's the prospectus. Happy painting!